Our ears hold the three smallest bones in the human body. The malleus, incus, and stapes.

The human ear can process sound waves from 20Hz to 20000Hz.

Some animals don’t have ears. Snakes hear through their jawbone, and fish hear through ridges on their body.

All mammals, including humans, have a vestibular system connected to our ears. This system is responsible for our balance.

Ear wax, or cerumen, is a completely natural substance. It forms to protect us from infections and to remove dead skin and dust from within the ear canal.

Hearing loss affects 1 in 6 people in the UK.

Every year, about 2.3million people require ear wax removal in the UK.

Our ears are connected to our sinuses through the Eustachian Tube. This tube allows us to equalise air pressure - just like on a plane during takeoff.

With their exceptional hearing, parrots were once kept on the Eiffel Tower to listen for incoming enemy aircraft during WWI.